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when a death occurs

What's Next?

When facing a death, knowing the steps to take can ease uncertainty. Whether at home, in a care facility, or away, understanding immediate actions is crucial. Contacting local authorities or emergency services and coordinating with a funeral home can help navigate the initial stages of bereavement with clarity and peace of mind.

Guiding You Through The Process

Who Do I Contact?

If your loved one passes away in a facility such as a nursing home or hospital, the staff will notify you and the appropriate authorities. If the death occurs at home or in the workplace, contact their physician or emergency medical personnel to establish the cause of death for legal documents. If no one was present at the time of death, you must contact the police before moving the deceased to another location.

Call The Funeral Home

Our caring funeral director will assist with your arrangements, gathering necessary information and facilitating the transfer of your loved one’s remains. We'll inquire about any pre-arrangements and your preferences for embalming. During this call, we'll inform you of items to bring, like burial clothing. Feel free to ask any questions; more details can be discussed during your visit. We're here to listen, help, and guide you through this difficult time.

Meet The Funeral Director / Staff

When someone dies in a hospital or other facility, the caregivers and staff will help coordinate the discharge process. You may need to clarify whether the facility will be notifying your funeral home of choice of the death or if you need to contact them. The time frame for your loved one being released into the funeral home’s care may vary, but the staff should keep you updated throughout the process. Most hospice facilities will pre-arrange end of life plans and coordinate all of the details for you after a death occurs.

If no pre-planning has been done, necessary arrangements need to be made for the funeral service. These include:

  • Scheduling the location, date and time of the visitation and funeral service
  • Selecting burial or cremation
  • Choosing Funeral Products
  • Arranging a cemetery plot
  • Preparing an obituary notice
  • Scheduling transportation arrangements

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